Awair Element

Cheap-ish indoor air quality sensor, with nice LED display on the front.

AWAIR Element –

So I would say nothing critical was removed to achieve better price. It is still a good design, both internal and external. Same air quality sensors:


Provides a local API if activated

# curl -s http://<IP address>/air-data/latest | jq
  "timestamp": "2022-08-01T20:20:18.262Z",
  "score": 92,
  "dew_point": 15.99,
  "temp": 24.1,
  "humid": 60.54,
  "abs_humid": 13.21,
  "co2": 473,
  "co2_est": 414,
  "co2_est_baseline": 37111,
  "voc": 153,
  "voc_baseline": 38989,
  "voc_h2_raw": 26,
  "voc_ethanol_raw": 38,
  "pm25": 3,
  "pm10_est": 4


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  • Update via the app only, maybe even directly on the device itself, and only controlled via the app


  • Seems to use MQTT(S)

  • Potentially interesting URLs from the app

    # grep BASE_
      public static final String APP_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String B2C_MOBILE_APP_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String CONTENT_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String INTERNAL_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String MY_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String NEST_THIRD_PARTY_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String NEST_TOKEN_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String NOTICE_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String ORG_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String OTA_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String SHARE_MOBILE_APP_BASE_URL = "";
      public static final String THERMOSTATS_TRIGGER_BASE_URL = "";